Choose Pangburn School

"Pangburn has become home to my family. Seeing how each staff member interacts with the students as well as with one another has been amazing. You will always feel supported at Pangburn whether it be athletics or in the classroom." Coach Crisp-Baseball/Golf Coach/PE Teacher

"Pangburn Elementary is like a home away from home. The friendly and caring staff is amazing and takes great care of the teachers and students. There's no place like Pangburn." Mrs.Regnier 5th grade teacher

"Pangburn has given its full support to the agriculture department for on-site as well as off-site learning opportunities. Great place for mixing old school values with modern day teaching styles." Brian Harris- Agri Teacher

"I believe the greatest thing about working at Pangburn is our school community. Our district is very welcoming and supportive. The leadership at Pangburn is strong and the collaboration and camaraderie among staff is amazing." Mrs.Kelly 1st grade teacher
OPEN POSITIONS: 2024-2025 School Year
Classified Positions
Certified Positions-
Open Positions: 2025-2026 School Year
Classified Positions
Certified Positions-
Substitute -District Wide
Complete Classified employment application (return complete application to the admin office)
Successful completion of background check, maltreatment registry and fingerprint process.
Substitute Bus Drivers
Current Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Class B with Passenger and School bus endorsement
High School Diploma or GED
Successful completion of background check
Contact David McKee at 501-728-4511 or at
The Pangburn Public School District is in compliance with the regulations as outlined in Title VI of 1964, Title IX of 1972, and Section 504 or Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
It is the policy of the Pangburn Public School District to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, qualified disability, or veteran status in its educational programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, educational services, and employment. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to: Pangburn School District, Administration Office.